Friday, February 5, 2010

I know...

I know I should have posted earlier.... Sorry!! I have been busy though! I have almost finished quilting my winding ways quilt (the pink and cream one with the circles forming in it) I am up to quilting the border. I had the suggestion of quilting an echo of some of the arcs in the quilt so now I am going to have a play on paper first.

Master B's quilt, I haven't got a photo of it yet..I am very PROUD of this one! I designed it myself and fumbled through piecing it and I love the way it looks!! I just have to finish putting borders on it and then I can baste it and get cracking on the quilting of it. I have a deadline of the beginning of March with these two quilts as I want to enter them into an agricultural show in a nearby town. I am not aiming to win any prizes, my quilting isn't that good.. but I want to show them to people to prove that you don't have to do 'boring' looking things and to add some colour to their lives, plus I am just so proud of what I have accomplished that I just want to say I did that!!! :)

Today is actually my 5 year wedding anniversary!! I can't believe that 5 years has passed already!! Love you Pookie!! lol
Also last week was Master B's first day of Kindy! He was so excited!! I was sad, my little boy is growing up! He went for 6 hours! That meant 6 hours of quiet in the house, only Miss K there and no one else to fight with her!! It was really nice, yet strangly bizarre. And I had to keep looking at the clock to make sure I get there a bit before 3pm to pick him up! He made a little hat and proudly wore it to show his Granny. :) Very cute!!

I promise next entry will have some pics for you and be posted quicker this time!!
